Monday, February 27, 2012

Images from OFF-GUARD: Beautiful People Unveiled Before the Camera Lens, photographs by Ron Galella, published 1983 by Greenwich House

"The very nature of his work requires that he be the uninvited guest, the man behind the potted palm, forced to swoop down on his subjects so that they could be caught offguard"
- from Introduction by Bruce Jay Friedman 

Ron Galella is the best known celebrity photographer in the United States. His works to capture photographs of un-expectant celebrities; through this he manages to maintain charm and allure in his images, bringing out the best in celebrities rather than the worst. All photos published in this book were taken unplanned, unrehearsed and without appointments. Galella illustrates in his book Off-guard that people are most beautiful when unaware and unprepared.

Gina Lollobrigida next to Michelangelo's David

Jack Nicholson

Raquel Welch

Ali and Ryan O'Neal

Sophia Loren

Jack Lemmon and wife

Muhummad Ali and Joe Louis

Salvador Dali, Guy Burgos and Appolonia at the St. Regis

Dick Van Dyke

Ann-Margret and Roger Smith at the Jockey Club

Julie Andrews on a movie set in Paris

Marlo Thomas

Robert Mitchum

Dustin Hoffman

Cher at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art

Wilhelmina models Hanny and Kathleen Milcarek

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A5 Sketchbook scans; London, Paris, Barcelona, Florence

Images collected from various places visited in Europe, early 2011. I have also included a few of my own sketches.

Tate Modern, London
Oroczo Exhibiton

British Museum, London, England

Musée d'Orsay, Paris

Les Années 1990 & 2000 - Histoire Idéale De La Mode Contemporaine vol. 2
(The Years 1990 & 2000 - Ideal Story Of Fashion Contemporary Vol. 2)
Les Arts Décoratifs, Paris

Azzedine Alaïa, Robe Houpette 1994

Museu d'Art Modern (MNAC), Barcelona
Ramon Casas y Pere Romeu en un tàndem, 1897
Josep Llimona, Joventut

The Library of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona

Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)

Museu Picasso, Barcellona
Dona Amb Mantellina, Pablo Picasso
El Loco, Pablo Picasso

Museo Salvatore Ferragamo, Florence

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Images from GRANT'S ATLAS OF ANATOMY, James E. Anderson, M.D. (Seventh Edition) published by WILLIAMS & WILKINS, Baltimore/London, 1978

"This collection of illustrations depicts the structures of the human body, region by region, in much the same order as the student displays them by dissection."
- from Preface by J. E. A.

This book contains hundreds of anatomical images of the human body. It is a reference for students and professionals as well as a beautifully illustrated book. I discovered the execution of these illustrations consisted of a process of photographing the specimens to obtain an enlarged positive film. The outlines of the images then traced on tracing paper with great scrutiny for detail. These outlines were presented to the artist who transferred the images to appropriate paper. The artist then created a plastic drawing in which the important features were brought out.